Storying Sheffield

Living Histories: Ouse Road – Darnall Allotments

The Drink Wise Age Well project in Sheffield have been conducting their own Oral History interviews with some of the people who rent allotment spaces as the Ouse Road allotment in Darnall. They are mainly people from migrant heritage communities who grow traditional fruits and vegetables – seeds of which they will bring back from their native land. The project has a wider remit of engaging people from all backgrounds in meaningful and collaborating engagement. When the Living History project visited, we were grateful to have received a big bag of spinach and onions from some of the locals.

These stories are part of the ‘Displaced Migration: Living Histories project’ – a project by Element Society, in partnership with Storying Sheffield at University of Sheffield, and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Element Society is a youth charity based in Sheffield delivering development, social action and enterprise programmes to young people and vulnerable adults.

These stories and the learning resource can be found at:

Element Society –

Storying Sheffield –

Sheffield Archives –